Woodcrest Retreat is a Christian Summer Camp and Retreat in Ephrata Pa that offers an opportunity for children to be children in a safe and caring environment while they explore the woods and their imaginations.
Woodcrest’s main focus is the summer camp ministry which offers both overnight and day camps. Woodcrest also provides an RV campground for weekend campers. There are cabins and pavilions for groups, family or individual use. Additionally, there is a variety of events for all ages programmed throughout the year. The mission of Woodcrest is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and encourage Christian growth.
Summer Camps
Camp is the perfect place for children and teens to grow and explore in a safe, wholesome outdoor environment. Weekly themes spice up the classic camp fun which features crafts, a 225 ft. waterslide, swimming, live barnyard animals, Bible time and so much more.
Discovery Day Camp for ages: 6-11
9 AM - 4 PM, Before and aftercare available
Choose 1 or up to 8 weeks of camp
Lunch is provided
Trekkers Day Camp for ages: 12-14
9 AM - 4 PM, Before and aftercare available
Choose min. of 3 weeks, or up to 8 weeks of camp
Lunch is provided
Overnight Camps
This year's theme for overnight camp is “True North: the search for truth.” As campers work to solve the mystery of the missing camp mascot, they will begin an even bigger search--the search for Truth. We live in a world where truth is hard to find, especially for young people. Youth have questions and the Bible is the source for true answers. Daily Bible lessons will dive into the deep questions of life: How do we know God exists? Why is there suffering in the world? Is Jesus the only way to heaven? Campers will be encouraged in their walk with God, and will leave with confidence that we have a faith worth believing in. While explore these truths, campers will experience all the adventure of camp including crafts, use of the 225 foot waterslide, swimming, group games, night activities, and campfire cooking.
- Mini Weeks: 3 days, 2 nights for ages: 7-10
- Full Weeks: Monday to Friday for ages: 9-15
New for 2020:
NEW for this summer! Even though we had to cancel our first two weeks of overnight because of Covid-19 regulations, we are excited to offer an alternative camp--Wilderness Day Camp! It is overnight camp without the overnight. Campers who sign up can arrive between 7:00-9:00 and stay until between 6:30-8:00. They will enjoy great food, fun games, and the joy of building great camp relationships. Learn more at https://www.woodcrestretreat.org/summer-camp/day-camps and scroll down. Feel free to call or message us with questions.
Woodcrest’s River Rumble (June 29-July1)
Explore the beautiful Delaware River in this exciting expedition. Join trained Woodcrest staff as they lead a 20-mile canoe trip filled with activities, biblical teaching, and lifelong memories. Campers spend time traveling through the Water Gap region while camping on islands as they paddle the river. Highlights include amazing scenery, delicious campfire meals, and in-depth teaching to challenge campers in their understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Campers will learn basic canoeing skills to assist them on their journey. The River Rumble is for campers ages 12-15. Early bird registration is $275 if registered by May 1st.
Sessions Dates
First week of camp begins June 15, 2020
Last week of Camp ends August 7, 2020
Camp Rates
Prices vary depending on the camp. See our website for exact pricing and dates.
Financial assistance is available. Deposit must be paid, but depending on need up to 100% of balance may be covered.
CAMP OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, April 18th 2020 from 9AM-1PM
Experience Camp in a nutshell
Woodcrest’s Spring Open House gives both parents and children the opportunity to visit and explore the facilities of Woodcrest Retreat. It gives families a chance to meet the some of the staff, ask questions and familiarize their children with the camp which helps alleviate possible fears they may have of attending camp.
- View summer camp video
- Explore the camp and visit a bunkhouse
- Enjoy a wagon ride and a snack
- Play GaGa and Carpet Ball
- Meet camp directors
- Check out the nature shack
- Register at early bird prices
What Parents and campers say about Woodcrest:
My girls had an absolute blast! They loved everything about it, but most of all they love the staff and the way they make each kid feel important and loved. Thank you for loving on kids but most importantly for teaching them about Jesus.
The counselors at Woodcrest do a great job!
Worship times were great times to learn more about God.
Thank you, this was my daughters first camp and she loves it.
“I am starting to understand the Bible now. It’s making sense.”
Thank you for another summer of fun and spiritual encouragement! Both of our kids always have great Woodcrest memories. ๐